
Let’s build the future together.

Edition is a digital innovation studio for technology-led companies that believe in the power of design to shape a better world.

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We translate complicated requirements into enjoyable, easy-to-use software and mobile applications that drive measurable business value. Our tailored approach ensures cost-effective results, fast.

Marketing Websites

We empower marketing teams of technology-led companies to accelerate customer acquisition and hit KPIs by delivering SEO-friendly, results-driven marketing websites - optimised for conversion.

Brand Identities

We know what it takes to stand out and grab attention in the digital world. Whether you’ve outgrown your current brand identity, need to refine your brand strategy, or want to create something new for scratch - we can help.

A digital innovation studio for technology-led companies.

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Looking to build a new website and considering your options? Webflow is the perfect solution. Here’s why.
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Technology companies can’t look past the importance of a well-crafted website that captures their vision and showcases their digital products. To achieve this, they need advanced web development platforms that provide the necessary tools to scale, compete, and thrive.

In this article, we will explore why Webflow is the ideal solution for tech companies, offering a seamless web development experience that drives success.

What is Webflow?

Webflow is a powerful content management system (CMS), no-code web design tool, and hosting platform that empowers companies to create stunning and responsive websites without the need for a single line of code.

With its intuitive drag-and-drop interface, Webflow enables users to visually design, build, and launch high-performing websites in a fraction of the time traditionally spent. It’s intuitive interface, powerful features, and focus on speed and ease of use allows it to effectively bridge the gap between clunky do-it-yourself website builders like Wix or Squarespace and more complex options like Shopify and WordPress that require experienced front-end developers.

Although it's essential that you do your own research and understand your unique business requirements before deciding what solution to use, if you’re a technology company, here are several key reasons why Webflow would likely be a great option.

Simplified Web Development

Webflow has greatly simplified web development, making it possible to design and build a compelling, conversion-optimised marketing website, without any coding knowledge. This is particularly useful for tech companies, as it allows software development and design teams to focus their time and energy on the companies core products and services.

Webflow’s Editor is user-friendly and highly intuitive. Once live, anyone that is given Editor access can make simple text and image changes directly to your Webflow website, without affecting the backend. This greatly reduces the effort required for simple tweaks and bug fixes, and helps prevent you from messing up the design.

The intuitive drag-and-drop interface empowers marketing team members to create and prototype landing pages quickly, and optimise workflows effortlessly. The platform also offers a wide range of templates and pre-built components, allowing you to update and built out new designs without starting from scratch every time.

Speed & Performance

Today, people expect websites to load quickly, and if they don't, they're likely to move on. Because of this, speed and performance are vital considerations for any tech company’s marketing website. Fortunately, Webflow is designed to deliver fast and reliable load speeds, thanks to a range of advanced features.


While you have the option of using your own hosting solutions, Webflow’s base plan provides the option of an all-in-one hosting solution that is highly reliable and optimised for performance. With SSL encryption included by default, this ensures an added layer of security for your customers. Other site plans offer more advanced features, suitable for larger businesses and enterprise customers.

Content Delivery Network (CDN)

Webflow’s Content Delivery Network (CDN) distributes your website's content across multiple servers around the world. This real-time distribution helps to reduce latency and ensure that your pages load faster, no matter where a visitor is located.

Optimised Code

Webflow uses optimised code structures to speed up load times even further. This means that your website's code is streamlined and efficient, with unnecessary elements are removed.


No longer can one argue that SEO isn’t an important consideration. An SEO-friendly website helps to increase your online visibility, drive traffic to your site, and ultimately, boost your business's success.

Again, Webflow offers the perfect solution to this. With optimised code, clean URLs, streamlined directories, and intuitive SEO features, Webflow empowers you to improve your search engine rankings and drive organic traffic - with minimal effort.

Its optimised code ensures search engines can easily crawl and index your site, while clean URLs make it user-friendly and easy to navigate. Webflow's intuitive SEO panel allows you to optimise critical aspects such as metadata, heading tags, and descriptions, boosting your site's visibility.

Responsive Design

A responsive website adapts to different screen sizes without compromising it’s design, structure, and overall effectiveness. With recent studies showing that over 50% of traffic online now comes from non desktop devices, responsiveness is crucial for capturing and retaining the attention of your visitors, ultimately leading to higher conversion rates.

With Webflow, non-technical and beginner users can effortlessly create responsive websites that provide an optimal user experience without needing to know any HTML, CSS or Javascript. Website building with Webflow’s intuitive user interface can be completely visual process, with design changes being visible immediately, and without the need for a single line of code.

With Webflow's responsive design tools, you can incorporate interactive elements, intuitive swipe features, and layouts that adapt to each user's preferred device. Regardless of how users discover your business, Webflow empowers you to deliver a captivating and user-friendly experience that drives engagement and boosts your online presence from desktop to smartphone.

Increased Security

Despite the security of most tech companies being a top priority, many still adopt website builders that expose their business (and customers) to unnecessary risks and vulnerabilities.

WordPress, for example is rife with security threats and it’s reliance on third-party plugins can create significant vulnerability issues. Outdated plugins end up causing functionality issues on your website, however updating them is often time consuming, and can lead to functionality issues that take even longer to locate and troubleshoot.

With Webflow, you can say goodbye to these concerns. By eliminating the need for plugins, Webflow provides a more secure environment for your business. On top of that, SSL certification is included with all pricing plans, adding an additional layer of security.

Simplified Staging Environment

Staging, testing, and deployment are critical parts of any web development process. Without a proper staging environment, you risk pushing untested or unfinished code live, potentially leading to errors, security vulnerabilities, and a negative user experience.

Webflow simplifies these stages by providing an off-the-shelf staging environment that enables users to test and review changes prior to pushing them live. This helps ensure that a website is optimised, secure, and meets the business and user needs before updates are made to the live environment.

Webflow's staging environment enables multiple users to access and review the site while it is being worked on, helping to streamline the testing and review process. It also allows for easy rollback with automatic backups in case of any issues or errors. If something goes wrong during the testing phase, the Webflow developer can simply revert back to a previous version of the site, avoiding any potential downtime or negative impact.

Flexible Content Management

Webflow CMS allows non-technical stakeholders to mange content efficiently to ensure that their website always provides the most relevant and engaging information to visitors. You can easily add, edit, and update various types of content such as blogs, services, and portfolios, all in one central location.

For example, say your SaaS business requires a bunch of unique landing pages for Google advertising purposes. Once your landing page template has been established within the CMS, you can easily add new variations, you only need to add in the appropriate imagery and accompanying text, and you're all done.

Enhanced User Experience

A technology company’s website design and overall user experience (UX) is critical to its success. Webflow offers a range of features and tools that enable designers to create beautiful, fast-loading, and responsive websites that are tailored to the unique needs of their audience. Custom layouts, animations, and interactions that create a seamless user experience across all devices and platforms are much easier to implement than traditional website builders. This enhances a website's customer engagement, aesthetics, and overall appeal - all vital to startup and business growth.

Seamless Integration & Collaboration

Webflow is a powerful tool that allows you to create stunning websites and it also facilitates seamless integration with other essential business tools. With its intuitive API, Webflow allows you to connect your website to other applications and services, such as payment gateways, CRM systems, and analytics tools, making it easier to manage your online presence and streamline your workflow.

Webflow's integration library offers considerable documentation for popular integrations like Zapier, with detailed instructions on how to set up, configure, and troubleshoot the integrations for a smooth and straightforward experience. This documentation is valuable for both technical and non-technical users, guiding them through each integration step-by-step. Additionally, Webflow's admin portal offers an intuitive interface for managing integrations, from the DNS settings to analytics and tracking.

Rapid Deployment

Operating at pace is essential when you’re constantly introducing new products and features and testing various design assumptions against one another. Every day that a tech company's website remains outdated, it risks damaging its brand reputation and missing out on potential conversions. This is where Webflow comes in, empowering tech companies to stay relevant, effectively communicate with customers, and drive growth.

Webflow requires minimal development effort and eliminates the need for a convoluted design-development-QA handover process. Designers can take charge of the entire process, saving time and streamlining your workflow. Thanks to user-friendly features, creating a new landing page can be done in a matter of minutes by a Webflow designer, not hours, days or weeks. Even better, minor changes can be made directly in the Webflow Editor by your marketing team—freeing up technical resource for more critical tasks.

Building with Webflow is efficient and reduces the margin for error, significantly shortening your website project timeline. Marketing teams can create new pages without relying on developers, making it ideal for your growth-marketing team (or partner) to conduct A/B tests and quickly pivot strategies.

Reduced Cost

Due to several inefficiencies, companies that rely on traditional web development methods may find themselves spending more time and money on website development than necessary, particularly when overhauling a new website.

With Webflow, however, many of these tasks can be automated, or simplified, greatly reducing the time required - and as a result, the cost too.

Successful Tech Companies Using Webflow

The popularity and success of Webflow is evident with a long list of successful tech companies using the platform. Across use cases from product development, e-commerce sites to launching new platforms, Webflow has enabled businesses to achieve their goals and strengthen their digital presence.

There are many case studies of tech companies using Webflow, including AngelList, Lyft, Mural, Lattice, and Dropbox. These companies leverage Webflow's features to create responsive, fast-loading, and visually appealing sites that have helped them engage more customers and scale up their businesses.

Getting Started with Webflow

Webflow has a gentle learning curve thanks to its user-friendly interface, step-by-step guide, video tutorials, Webflow University, and extensive help-centre articles. The platform is cost-effective, offering different pricing options to cater to businesses of all sizes, from personal websites to enterprise-level systems. Their customer service is second to none, with general support tickets being resolved overnight - often with a custom made Loom video explaining the solution to your issue in detail. Additionally, Webflow is continuously improved with regular updates and new features that deliver enhanced value to customers.


For tech companies looking to create a web presence that reflects their vision, captures their audience, and scales with their business, Webflow offers an invaluable solution.

With its easy-to-use interface, seamless integration, and a wide range of features designed to deliver top-notch performance, Webflow enables companies to create responsive, functional, and visually-appealing websites that enhance their customer engagement dramatically.

Ready to bring the Webflow magic to your tech company’s online presence? At Edition, we're Webflow wizards ready to create you a stunning, responsive, and high-performing website. Get in touch if you’d like to understand how we might collaborate.

Learn why branding is essential for success in the competitive tech industry. Attract customers, investors, and stand out from the competition.
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Building a successful technology company is hard work. There are endless challenges to overcome, from prioritising your product backlog and securing investment to attracting new customers. But there's one often-overlooked factor that can make all the difference between success and failure: branding. It's not just for big corporations like Apple and Airbnb and influencer-driven skincare products.

Uniqueness and loyalty are king, and branding has become a non-negotiable for tech companies. With so many competing for attention, early-stage startups need to have a strong and memorable brand that refuses to blend in. A well-crafted brand can create a competitive edge, helping you rise above the market chatter, imprint a memorable image in the minds of potential customers, and find product-market fit.

What is Branding?

Before we jump headfirst into branding for tech startups, let's define what we mean by "branding". Put simply, the branding process is the creation of a compelling identity for your company that resonates with your target customer and sets it apart from the competition.

Branding encompasses a wide range of elements that all work together to create a cohesive and memorable image for your company. This includes everything from your company name, logo design, typography/fonts, and colour palette, to your brand message, tone of voice, marketing material, web design, and overall customer experience. One of the key benefits of branding is that it helps to establish trust with your target audience. By creating a consistent and professional image, you can build credibility and make it easier for customers to recognise and remember your brand.

But startup branding isn't just about creating a pretty logo or catchy tagline. It's about communicating who you are as a company, what you stand for, and what makes you different from your competitors. This can be achieved through a variety of unique strategies, such as developing a unique brand voice, compelling content marketing, and embedding your brand values into how you approach customer service.

Customer Acquisition

One of the most powerful applications of branding is in customer acquisition. A strong brand can help you to attract the attention of your target audience, and encourage them to engage with your product or service. How? By creating a connection and emotional resonance with your potential customers that goes beyond mere features and benefits.

People are more likely to buy from companies they feel aligned with, that they share values with, and that they believe understand them. A strong brand will cultivate an emotional connection and build trust with potential customers, making it more likely that they will choose you over your competitors.

But how do you go about building a strong brand? It starts with understanding your target audience and what they value. What are their pain points? What motivates them? What are their aspirations? Once you have a clear understanding of your audience, you can bring to life a well-crafted brand story and create an emotional connection with potential customers.

Your marketing strategy should aim for consistency across all brand touch-points, from your website design and social media channels, to your email marketing and customer service interactions. This consistency builds trust and reinforces your identity.

Retention & Loyalty

Branding is a powerful tool that can help technology companies build loyalty and retain customers. In today's competitive marketplace, it's more important than ever to create a lasting impression in the minds of your customers, a strong brand can help you to achieve this.

One of the key benefits of branding is that it can help to build a sense of community and belonging among your customers. When customers feel like they are part of something bigger than just a product or service, they are more likely to develop a strong sense of loyalty to your brand. This loyalty protects you from your competitors, leading to increased customer retention and ultimately a higher lifetime customer value.

Not only are loyal customers more profitable, but those that feel a strong connection to your brand are also more likely to recommend it to others. By helping you spread the word and attract new customers without the input of direct marketing costs, loyal customers help you lower your cost per acquisition.

Attracting & Retaining Talent

Building and retaining a talented team is a substantial challenge for young technology companies. The scarcity of skilled professionals, coupled with an increasing number of technology companies competing for their attention, makes it a daunting task. When your brand values and mission are clear, and you have a compelling identity to go with these, you are more likely to attract and retain the right employees for your business.

Branding isn't just important to customers; it's a beacon for prospective employees. A strong brand identity sends a clear message about your company culture, ethos, and what you stand for. It helps tech professionals envision what working with you entails. For example, if your brand clearly differentiates itself and demonstrates a commitment to leveraging technology for social good, you're likely to attract individuals with shared values.

When it comes to talent retention, a strong brand can also be an invaluable asset. Employees derive pride from associating with and contributing to a strong, reputable brand. Being part of a brand they respect and align with plays a crucial role in employee loyalty. For instance, if your brand design is inclusive and emphasises diversity, it can lead to better retention of diverse workforce. They're likely to feel more valued and understood in an environment that actively appreciates their unique insights and experiences.

Securing Investment

When it comes to securing investment and establishing partnerships, your brand identity plays an even larger role than you might think. A strong, consistent brand not only communicates your company's potential and unique market position but also resonates with investors on a deeper, personal level. This is particularly important when there are so many other early-stage technology companies also competing for investors' attention.

Early-stage technology investors look beyond functionality, financial projections and market dynamics; they want to invest in companies and startup founders that align with their personal values and visions. The story your brand tells, its mission, values, and the impact it aims to create, becomes an integral part of the investment decision. A brand that showcases a commitment to social responsibility, environmental sustainability, or technological advancement, for example, might attract investors who share these values.

Additionally, a strong brand can reflect your company's potential for the long-term success that comes from customer loyalty. Investors want to see that you have, or have the potential to, cultivate a strong connection with your audience - realising that this often translates to customer retention and consistent growth. Your ability to demonstrate this connection through your tech startup branding can significantly increase your chances of securing investment.

How to Build a Strong Brand Identity

So, we've established that branding is critical for early-stage tech startups. But how do you go about building a powerful brand from scratch? Really this is another article in itself, but below is a high-level overview of key considerations.

Firstly, take the time to define your brand strategy. This includes your company's mission, core values, and unique selling proposition (USP). These are your building blocks, and will help you to differentiate yourself from your competitors and connect with your target audience.

Next, craft your messaging and tone of voice. How do you want to communicate with your target audience, and what language and style will resonate with them?

From there, develop your visual identity, including your company name, logo, and brand colours. These should be aligned with your mission and values, and should reflect the personality and tone of your brand – ultimately reflected in your brand guidelines.

Finally, ensure that your identity is consistently represented across all brand touch-points, from your website and social media channels (LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram), to your digital product design, email marketing campaigns and customer service.


In early-stage tech startups, where product development often takes the front seat, don't forget about the importance of branding. Your brand identity is not just what you do, but who you are and why you do it. A strong and differentiated brand can be a powerful force for success, helping you to stand out, connect with customers, and attract the resources you need to grow.

If you're an early-stage technology company, you need to take the time to invest in your brand. Carve out your brand positioning, craft your identity design, hone your messaging, and ensure consistency across all touch-points. After all, a powerful brand identity could be the difference between popping champagne and, well, going back to the drawing board!

Brand building can seem daunting, but remember that you don't have to do it alone. At Edition, we are a branding agency committed to helping early-stage technology companies find their unique DNA, define their brand strategy, and create a compelling visual identity that stands out. If you want help, let's talk!

Looking for financial support? This free guide will help you understand the grants available to small businesses and startups in New Zealand.
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Building a startup in New Zealand requires more than just resilience and a great idea. It also requires capital. Whether you're at the early stages of your business investing in R&D or facing the challenges of a competitive industry, having financial support can make all the difference.

Recognising this, the New Zealand government actively invests resources in supporting small businesses in our beautiful country. To help you navigate the different funding options, we've compiled a comprehensive list of the top startup grants for tech startups in New Zealand.

What is a Startup Grant?

A startup grant is a sum of money awarded to businesses that meet the eligibility criteria to support their business idea or growth initiatives. These funds are not usually provided as a loan, and therefore repayment is not required. However, this is not free money in the sense that recipients of the funding opportunities are often required to detail how the funds will be spent and demonstrate the grant's impact on their business.

Self-Employment Startup Payment

The Self-Employment Startup Payment is a form of financial aid to help individuals start a new business. It aims to provide financial support for the essential startup costs that may pose a hurdle to new entrepreneurs.


To be eligible for Self-Employment Startup Payment, applicants must:

  • Be initiating a new business venture
  • Require financial assistance for critical startup expenses

What you get

Up to $10,000, supporting critical startup costs.

This grant can be applied towards:

  • Initial lease and bond payments for your business premises
  • Material costs for prototypes and setting up a website
  • Legal fees associated with formalising your business structure

Learn more about the Self-Employment Startup Payment Grant

Flexi-Wage for Self-Employment

The Flexi-Wage for Self-Employment is a government initiative designed to assist individuals in creating their own business. It provides a financial cushion for early-stage startup business development, when the company may still need to be self-sufficient.


To be eligible for Flexi-Wage for Self-Employment, applicants must:

  • Be in the process of starting a new business or in the early stages of business development
  • Present a viable business plan that demonstrates the potential for sustainability and growth

What you get

Up to $16,800 ($600 a week for a maximum of 28 weeks) for early stages of business development.

This grant can be applied towards:

  • Essential setup costs for the business
  • Living expenses during the initial phase where business income might not be stable

Learn more about the Flexi-Wage for Self-Employment Grant

Business Training & Advice Grant

The Business Training & Advice Grant provides access to specialised expertise, enabling new business owners to lay a solid foundation for their ventures through informed decision-making and strategic planning.


To be eligible for the Business Training and Advice Grant, applicants must:

  • Be in the planning stages of starting a new business
  • Be receiving assistance from Work and Income New Zealand (WINZ) to launch the business
  • Intend to utilise the Flexi-wage for self-employment for the same business

What you get

Up to $1,000 every 52 weeks, financing professional services for new business owners.

This grant can be applied towards:

  • Business skills training
  • Crafting a comprehensive business plan
  • Seeking advice on starting and running the business effectively

Learn more about the Business Training & Advice Grant

Regional Business Partner Capability Vouchers

Regional Business Partner (RBP) Capability Vouchers support small businesses in New Zealand by subsidising training and advice on business planning, marketing, and systems through the Regional Business Partner Network to foster growth and efficiency.


To be eligible for Capability Vouchers, applicants must:

  • Undergo an assessment with a local Regional Business Partner
  • Be operating with at most 50 full-time equivalent employees
  • Be registered for GST in New Zealand
  • Have a New Zealand Business Number (NZBN)
  • Be operating in a commercial environment
  • Demonstrate a desire to innovate and grow

What you get

Up to $5,000 per year, for training and advice for business owners and their teams on essential management topics.

This grant can be applied towards management training in key areas such as:

  • Business Planning, Systems, and Sustainability
  • Capital Raising, Export, and Finance
  • Governance, Lean Manufacturing/Business Operations, and Marketing

Learn more about RBP Capability Vouchers

Callaghan Innovation R&D Grants

Callaghan Innovation offers various R&D grants to support significant technological development and business innovation. This includes the Ārohia Trailblazer Grant, New to R&D Grant, R&D Experience Grant, R&D Career Grant, and the R&D Tax Incentive—each designed to fund different stages and scales of R&D activities, from initial development of intellectual property to commercialisation.

Ārohia Trailblazer Grant

The Ārohia Trailblazer Grant from Callaghan Innovation is designed to support innovative New Zealand businesses preparing to launch their products or services to the market. Here's a structured overview following your example:


To be eligible for the Ārohia Trailblazer Grant, applicants must:

  • Be an innovative business at the "getting ready to go to market" stage
  • Have completed the majority of their research and development
  • Demonstrate the potential to create opportunities for other innovators in Aotearoa
  • Exhibit four explicit attributes, emphasising community and industry impact (stated on the website)

What you get

Up to $4 million in co-funding for selected businesses, supporting innovative New Zealand businesses as they prepare to launch groundbreaking products or services to the market.

This grant can be applied towards:

  • Setting up new infrastructure and production capabilities
  • Building teams with the right skills
  • Developing demonstration models
  • Marketing efforts

Learn more about the Callaghan Innovation Ārohia Trailblazer Grant

New to R&D Grant

Similar to the now-retired Callaghan Innovation Getting Started Grant, their New to R&D Grant provides financial support to kickstart the research and development phase for startups and established businesses, facilitating the progression of product development or services from concept to commercial readiness.


To be eligible for the New to R&D Grant, applicants must:

  • Be an eligible entity as a business
  • Your business must not have received any government funding for R&D greater than $5,000 in the three years before the date of submission of your application
  • Your business must have spent less than $50,000 in total on R&D over the three years before the date of submission of your application
  • You must be able to fund your share of the R&D costs

What you get

Up to $400,000, funding 40% of your eligible R&D activities.

This grant can be applied towards:

  • Initial research and development costs
  • Capability development activities

Learn more about the Callaghan Innovation New to R&D Grant

R&D Experience Grant

The R&D Experience Grant from Callaghan Innovation is designed as a student grant to facilitate existing businesses in integrating tertiary-level students into their research and development (R&D) projects through full-time summer internships. This approach aims to equip students with valuable, real-world R&D experience, nurturing future innovators.


To be eligible for the R&D Experience Grant, applicants must:

  • Have an ongoing R&D program with a dedicated budget and technical staff
  • Fulfil financial due diligence criteria
  • Employ interns on their payroll, ensuring they receive at least a Living Wage during the internship
  • Be a business incorporated under the New Zealand Companies Act, registered under the Limited Partnerships Act, a Māori incorporation or trust, or meet other specific criteria
  • Apply for a maximum of 10 students, adhering to the stipulated student-to-R&D personnel ratio

What You Get

Financial support by covering student wages at the Living Wage rate.

This grant can be applied towards:

  • Compensation for students participating in R&D projects
  • Providing valuable, real-world R&D experience to students

Learn more about the Callaghan Innovation R&D Experience Grant

R&D Career Grant

The R&D Career Grant from Callaghan Innovation is designed as a student grant to financially support innovative businesses employing PhD and Masters graduates full-time for six months. The goal is to provide these graduates with their first professional experience in research and development (R&D), thereby enhancing both their career prospects and the R&D capabilities of the hiring businesses.


To be eligible for the R&D Career Grant, applicants must:

  • Conduct active R&D supported by a specific R&D budget and technical team
  • Meet financial due diligence requirements
  • Offer a full-time employment position to the graduate, not a contract role
  • Be an entity incorporated under the New Zealand Companies Act, registered under the Limited Partnerships Act, a Māori incorporation or trust, or meet other defined criteria

What You Get

Coverage of a graduate's salary for six months.

This grant can be applied towards:

  • Full-time employment of PhD and Masters graduates in R&D roles
  • Integration of fresh academic insights and cutting-edge knowledge into business R&D efforts

Learn more about the Callaghan Innovation R&D Career Grant

R&D Tax Incentive

The R&D Tax Incentive (RDTI) from Callaghan Innovation is a financial measure designed to support New Zealand businesses engaging in research and development (R&D) activities. It aims to alleviate financial burdens and recognise the innovative efforts contributing to a better future.


To be eligible for the RDTI, applicants must:

  • Conduct R&D activities within New Zealand
  • Complete the Business Eligibility and R&D Eligibility quizzes on the RDTI website to confirm their eligibility
  • Engage in qualifying R&D activities meeting the specified tax credit claims criteria

What You Get

A 15% tax credit on eligible R&D expenditures.

This incentive can be applied towards:

  • Direct R&D activities conducted in New Zealand
  • Costs associated with developing new or improved products, processes, or services

Learn more about the Callaghan Innovation R&D Tax Incentive

Deep Tech Incubators

Deep Tech Incubators offer robust support and investment from Callaghan Innovation to propel Deep Tech ventures, fostering scientific and technological breakthroughs with the potential for profound societal impact.


To be eligible for the Deep Tech Incubator, applicants must:

  • Present a novel, defensible Deep Tech proposal with significant scientific or engineering advancements
  • Demonstrate a credible project plan, commercialisation strategy, and budget with adequate resources allocated by the partner Incubator
  • Align with the chosen Incubator's strategy and specialty area, or provide a valid rationale for any deviation
  • Be early-stage with a long path to commercialisation, high-growth with global ambitions, and have strong science or engineering foundations with some technical validation
  • Be incorporated in New Zealand and offer benefits to the country

What You Get

A minimum of $1 million in funding, with $750,000 as a repayable grant from Callaghan Innovation and a minimum of $250,000 from the partner incubator.

This funding can be applied towards:

  • Development and commercialisation of novel, defensible Deep Tech proposals
  • Building teams, infrastructure, and achieving technical validation

Learn more about the Callaghan Innovation Deep Tech Incubators Grant

Waka Kotahi Innovation Fund: Hoe ki angitū – Innovation Fund


To be eligible for a grant from Hoe ki angitū – Innovation Fund, applicants must:

  • Address specific challenges related to New Zealand's land transport, such as climate change, road safety, and emissions reduction.
  • Innovate within the private sector, including startups, iwi, and research institutions.
  • Propose solutions applicable in New Zealand, enhancing social and economic outcomes.

What you get

Financial support ranging from $30,000 to $500,000 for up to 16 weeks to accelerate innovative transport solutions, with potential phasing over twelve months.

This grant can be applied towards:

  • Development of innovative responses to published transport challenges.
  • Access to data, expertise, regulatory guidance, and real-world testing environments.

Learn more about the Hoe ki angitū – Innovation Fund

Te Pūnaha Hihiko: Vision Mātauranga Capability Fund


To be eligible for a grant from Te Pūnaha Hihiko: Vision Mātauranga Capability Fund, applicants must:

  • Build connections between Māori organisations and the science and innovation sectors.
  • Develop projects that align with the Vision Mātauranga policy, integrating Māori knowledge and perspectives.
  • Aim to increase the understanding and application of research outcomes beneficial to Māori communities.

What you get

An annual budget of approximately $4 million, with about $2 million available for new proposals, supporting collaborative projects and research capabilities through various funding schemes.

This grant can be applied towards:

  • Projects that foster new connections between Māori organisations and researchers.
  • Research and initiatives that contribute to the strategic outcomes of the Vision Mātauranga policy.
  • Activities that build research capabilities relevant to Māori knowledge and aspirations.

Learn more about Te Pūnaha Hihiko: Vision Mātauranga Capability Fund

Pros & Cons of Startup Grants

Startup grants offer valuable financial support to emerging businesses, but they come with advantages and challenges, like any funding option. Understanding these can help you navigate the decision-making process more effectively.

Other Government Support for Startups

New Zealand's government agencies support startups beyond growth grants, focusing on training, business advisor services, and sustainability tools to foster growth and innovation.

These programs collectively aim to enhance New Zealand startups' digital capabilities, international reach, and environmental sustainability, offering a holistic support system for business growth and innovation. There is no precise template for which funding avenues are right for your business, and it is important to explore many options to find the right fit.

Digital Boost Skills Training

Run by the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE), this initiative provides free training on digital tools, website management, and social media optimisation to enhance business digital presence.

Learn more about Digital Boost

Invest New Zealand

New Zealand Trade and Enterprise (NZTE) aids businesses targeting international markets with personalised advice and global networking, supporting export ambitions.

Learn more about Invest New Zealand

Climate Action Toolbox

A free tool aiding businesses in reducing their carbon footprint, helping them understand and act on environmental impact, and aligning with New Zealand's sustainability goals.

Learn more about Climate Action Toolbox

Business Mentors NZ

Business Mentors New Zealand is an independent not-for-profit mentoring service committed to supporting the success of small business owners, start-up entrepreneurs and social enterprise decision-makers.

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General NZ Business Advice

Tools and expert advice from government and industry for both large and small business owners such as; checking business name availability, finding out about claiming expenses and registering a trade mark.

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Additional Funding Options

While New Zealand's government grants offer a solid foundation for funding across many types of businesses, most startups will also need to explore additional financial avenues at some point in their journey.

Equity Financing

For startups ready to scale, equity financing presents a path to secure significant investment in exchange for a share of ownership. Not just funds essential for growth, equity financing often also comes with expertise, mentorship, and networks that can propel a business forward.

If you’re considering equity financing for your startup, take a look at these resources:

  • Investor Directory: Explore leading investment groups fuelling New Zealand and Australia's tech startups with Edition's Investor Directory.
  • Venture Capital Guide: Navigate venture capital with our comprehensive guide, from angel investors and accelerators to venture capital funds.
  • Top Venture Capital Firms: Identify potential partners among New Zealand's and Australia's leading VC firms.
  • Venture Studios: Discover how venture studios reinvent startup development—read Edition's guide.

Debt Financing

Debt financing offers an alternative that can be less dilutive than equity options. Providers like Prospa and Taxi offer small business loans tailored to startups' unique needs, enabling them to grow without giving up equity.

At Edition, we specialise in bringing visionary ideas to life. Whether you're navigating technology startup grants and small business grants or seeking venture capital, our strategic design and development expertise is tailored for companies eager to make a difference—partner with us to transform your innovative ideas into digital solutions that contribute to a better future.